Monday, March 24, 2008

Mr. Show - Part 2?

Mr. Show was one of the funnier series to air in the late 90s and looks like the comedic duo of David Cross and Bob Odenkirk are reteaming for HBO pilot tentatively called ‘David’s Situation.' As Cross tells MTV "It’s a sitcom, it will follow a traditional sitcom feeling, but will also feel like a big sketch, even though the characters will remain the same each week... I’m playing me. I’ve left Hollywood, I’ve had it with Hollywood. I now write for in-flight magazines, and I’ve moved to a gated community in an unknown suburb; you don’t know where it is or what part of the country. I have two roommates - one is extreme right wing, a cranky conservative pro-America guy. The other is this left wing, hippie, liberal-activist guy. And I’m right in the middle.” Well, if the Arrested Development movie doesn't come together, this is the next best thing and if you haven't checked out Mr. Show, do yourself a favor and add it to your NetFlix queue.

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